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The Importance of Our Naturally Daylit Learning Environments

Natural lighting is very important for all human beings and has been linked to neurotransmitters in the brain that affect mood (Holland, 2008). Extensive research on the effects of natural daylight and exposure to the changing light and rhythms of the day confirms it has positive benefits to children (Freeman, 2006).


Studies show:


  • Poor or inappropriate lighting in schools can adversely affect children’s health and their ability to learn.-the use of daylight is associated with healthier students. Sunlight is the most important source of light and energy for humans.


  • Students had fewer cavities, gained weight and grew in height more than students in non-day lit classrooms.


  • Children demonstrated better work habits, improved academic performance, resistance to fatigue, and more positive attitudes.


  • Health and performance of natural lighting had a positive effect on children’s attitudes and performance as children are to be more attentive and display lower levels of hyperactivity in the classroom that is naturally lit.


  • Students in classrooms with the largest window area, or most daylight, were found to be testing higher than those students in classrooms with the least window area.


  • Many centers are over-lit. Overly bright or overly intense lighting can cause children to become over-stimulated.


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